You probably know that although nearly half of companies know they have been attacked (with many more likely to have been victimised unawares), many aren't maximising their cybersecurity defences even now, in 2024.

Email and cloud security focused provider Hornetsecurity highlights this in a recent survey, confirming that:

  • Although three in five businesses are most concerned about AI-assisted phishing;
  • One in ten are not ready at all for zero-day attacks; and
  • Perhaps a quarter or more aren't yet using AI to enhance their defences.

Take AI, for example. One effect of the boom in AI over the past year or so has been that as much as large language models (LLM) and the like can make life easier for hackers trying to uncover the routes into customer networks, the technology can also be used to bolster cybersecurity.

In the cybersecurity arms race, it's crucial to keep up with the ever-evolving threat environment. With solutions including 365 Total Protection, Hornetsecurity works alongside all-important defences of awareness and education to fight email-based attacks in Microsoft 365 (M365) environments:

  • Solid, regularly reviewed commitment to data security and privacy for customers in Europe and the UK
  • Solutions meet ISO 27001, ISO9001-2015, HADS and ISO50001 standards and more
  • Hornetsecurity datacentres deliver advanced physical and cybersecurity measures to protect against threats and unauthorised access
  • Hornetsecurity datacentres boast comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities for improved efficiency and uptime


The same Hornetsecurity survey of 500 C-suite professionals across the UK alone found that 85% agree that cyberthreats are increasingly worrisome, partly due to AI capabilities around proliferating and creating more sophisticated and social-engineering based attacks at pace.

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) agrees - it has described AI as making attacks easier for less skilled cyber criminals.

Businesses must recognise the potential of AI as a weapon for good - as well as for the cybercriminals - and integrate it in their security strategies. This will help them stay ahead as threats and vulnerabilities continue to evolve.

What this means is that organisations will, among other things, have to pay more attention to defences against phishing attacks, considering also the rising potential for deep-fake content to deceive workers responding to emails and the like on an everyday basis.

AI can help improve threat detection and cybersecurity training. However, Hornetsecurity's survey found 26% of respondents weren't yet using AI to assist cybersecurity.

Read more about the survey findings - here.

Download the Hornetsecurity report 'How to Spot a Phishing Email in the Age of AI' - here.


With Hornetsecurity SaaS-based total protection for M365, your customers benefit from:

  • Spam and virus filtering.
  • Protection against phishing and ransomware.
  • Legally compliant archiving and encryption.
  • Advanced threat protection.
  • Email continuity, signatures and disclaimers.
  • Backup and recovery for M365 endpoint data.


Whether you're an MSP or delivering best-of-breed results-based resales to end customers, the high share of organisations based on M365 productivity have a need for Hornetsecurity. Choose from:

  • 365 Total Protection Business - for seamless 365 integration suitable for many businesses
  • 365 Total Protection Enterprise - for the enterprise
  • 365 Total Encryption - best practice to guard against information and data theft

That's why, at QBS, Hornetsecurity is key to the cybersecurity arsenal on offer, coming as always with our award-winning levels of support.

Call Team QBS today or send a message - we get back to you fast.

Email QBS at: [email protected]
Telephone QBS on: 
+44 (0) 20 8733 7100

( Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash )